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Photofolio 3.0 - Is the new version free for previous users? And are the two previous compatible?

Last Updated: Aug 03, 2013 07:35PM EEST

The new Photofolio comes as a FREE update to all users of the previous editions of Photofolio. That said, we need to explain a few things regarding the compatibility between the old and new version.

With the new Photofolio (version 3.0), we aimed at a state-of-the-art Drupal theme. The previous edition was essentially based in technology of more than 18 months ago. When we started out with the new Photofolio, we didn’t want to compromise the maximum potential it could have. We didn't want to avoid making use of all the latest and greatest technology and techniques just in order to stick with backward compatibility.

As a result, while the new Photofolio does come as a free update for existing users, we need to note that the two are not inter-compatible and there isn't, nor will there be a direct upgrade path from the previous version of Photofolio to the new. If your Drupal website is powered by the previous Photofolio and you wish to employ the new, you should manually do the upgrade by yourself or hire someone specialised on this sort of work to do the technical work for you. If you wish to use our own team, since it's also the very team that created both editions of the theme, feel welcome to send an email at [email protected].

We wish a direct upgrade path was possible but web technology has been evolving at such rapid pace that we don't want to deliver you obsolete products, branded as "new". On the contrary, we are determined to get you all the latest and greatest web technology, thoughtfully put together into our Drupal themes. So, here’s the good side to this sort of upgrade burden. The new Photofolio is not just an updated version of the old. It’s a completely rebuilt theme, vaguely following the look’n’feel of the old, but enormously enhanced and enriched. And responsive. The best work we’ve done so far. Hopefully, until the next.

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