Support Center

What is your refund policy?

Last Updated: May 28, 2019 08:59AM EEST

Individual themes and one-off purchases

Due the nature of our Premium Themes, which are non-tangible irrevocable digital products, we only issue a refund in case (a) our Theme does not function properly on your end for reasons related with the Theme, and (b) after our support team has proven unable to resolve your issues.
In providing for every Premium theme a Live demo, a Playground where you can get your feet wet and several screenshots of every major page, we take great pains to ensure that you can have a clear picture of what you are purchasing by the time you do so. It is therefore your responsibility to make use of the above-mentioned ways to examine the product pre-purchase and pick the right one for your needs and goals.

Bundles and subscriptions 

In the case of our subscription-based Bundle, you will receive several notifications via email before an upcoming renewal and charge. Through the instructions provided in these emails, you can cancel your subscription and renewal on your own. You can also cancel your subscription and avoid renewal by simply contacting us through our support channels. 

After a renewal to your subscription has taken place, we cannot provide a refund, however, following your request, we can cancel the next cycle of your subscription and ensure that you are not charged again.

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