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How to install a premium Drupal theme on your Mac (localhost)

Last Updated: Feb 11, 2013 02:29PM EET

This tutorial shows how to install Business Class, a premium Drupal 7 theme on a Mac (localhost), using its built-in installation profile. The box is running Mac OS X with XAMPP.

Important Notice: Due to the way XAMPP is used to be installed on the MacOS, the "http docs" folder does not belong to the actual logged-in, user. Therefore the installation does not have the right permissions to perform some required tasks like the creation of the settings.php file. For this reason the user needs to change the "write" permissions of the "files" folder. The GUI of the MacOS gives that option, as is shown on the video. However the sub folders of the files directory remain unaffected. The user needs to take care of this, changing the permission of all the subfolders of the "files" directory repeating this process.

An alternative and less time consuming method is the powerful console that Mac OS comes equipped with. All one needs to do is run "Terminal", navigate to the "default" folder of the Business Class drupal installation and write down the following command:

sudo chmod -R a+w files/

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