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How can I change the title of the site that appears on the browser tab, in your Drupal 8 themes?

Last Updated: Aug 23, 2016 03:04PM EEST
  1. Log in into your Drupal 8 site. 
  2. Head over to the Home / Administration / Configuration / System, then look for “Front page”. You will see the node that we’re using as the front-page. For example, in Startup Growth you can see node/35. This means that to edit anything on the front-page, you should edit that node. 
  3. Browse to the node page that you located above.
  4. Since you are logged in, you can click on “Edit” the page. 
  5. Change the title of the page into whatever you want, e.g.: “My Company”.
  6. Hit save. 
You should now see the change reflected on your site.

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