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Drupal Commerce Products and the Inline Entity Form

Last Updated: Jun 13, 2014 03:31PM EEST
Drupal Commerce is used to build eCommerce websites and applications of all sizes based on Drupal.

The Pro and Enterprise releases of our ScholarlyStartup Growth, Mobile+, GenteelBest Brand, MarketSquare, Genteel and Top Hit products come bundled with Drupal Commerce providing you a turnkey e-commerce solution right after installation.

​Drupal Commerce products

Drupal Commerce products are entities with intrinsic product ID, SKU, and Title properties, as well as default Price fields. They can be further customised using any number of product types and fields.

You can easily create products with the Store administrative interface, but your products will not be automatically visible to users on the front end. Drupal Commerce separates the definition of a product from its display, allowing you to build custom displays using the tools the project provides such as the product reference field.

Drupal Commerce Kickstart and all our Drupal Commerce products have a Product Reference field into separate content types. Please find more info here

Inline Entity Form

The Inline Entity Form module provides a widget for inline management of referenced entities. With this module, you will be able to Add/Edit any existing referenced product or Add a new Commerce Product directly into its parent node. In this case, just edit your existing content type and set the widget type of your Product Reference field to Inline entity form. Please check also the result at the following images where you can see the Inline Entity Form for our Mobile+ product.

Managing the fields

Editing the node


Views with Commerce Products 

Note that you have always the option to display all your Commerce Products using Views. Just create a new view and select Commerce Product as the View Type. To display a single product, setup the view to accept a Product ID or SKU argument. Then, you will have access to all of the product's fields.

In case this article leaves any of your questions or concerns unanswered, please feel welcome to email us or post a public question.

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