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How to format a Date field programmatically in Drupal 7

Last Updated: Mar 12, 2014 08:53PM EET
The function format_date formats a date, using a date type or a custom date format string.
format_date($timestamp, $type = 'medium', $format = '', $timezone = NULL, $langcode = NULL)

Drupal API:

Custom formats

In case of a custom format, please check out our two following examples. Please note also that the $timestamp parameter should be a UNIX timestamp. 

- If you have added to your content type (for example) the field_event_date with Date (Unix timestamp), you should use the function format_date as follows in your node template:
format_date($node-> field_event_date['und'][0]['value'], 'custom', 'D, d M Y');

- If you have added to your content type (for example) the field_event_date with Date (ISO format), you should use the function format_date as follows in your node template:
format_date(strtotime($node-> field_event_date['und'][0]['value']), 'custom', 'D, d M Y');

Regrading the PHP date formats 'D, d M Y', please check this documentation page

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